icon location Krk

Down the Path of Golden Drops of Krk Treasure: Vrh

From freshwater oases to the island’s unique delicacy


14,6 km icon length
370 m icon ascent

This undemanding themed trail honours Krk’s liquid treasure – olive oil. It is perfect for family trips and is recommended for all nature lovers. Besides beautiful sceneries, it offers you a chance to explore the island’s history, culture, and wildlife.

The trail starts by the football pitch in the town of Krk and passes through numerous centennial olive groves. If you happen to be there during the olive picking season, you will get to see locals harvesting the fruits of their hard labour. As every season offers a distinct colour palette and delicious fruits of nature, a walk through the picturesque hinterland of the town of Krk is always a great choice.

If you follow the path along cultivated fields and rows of drystone walls, you will reach an intriguing castle that will stir up your imagination. The Salatić Castle was most probably erected in the 15th century, when the adjoining villages of Vrh, Kosići and Salatići developed. Although called a castle, it is assumed that it was a country house built by an aristocratic family. Today it bears witness to the past times, and its remains covered in ivy lend it a special air of mystery.

Alongside the trail you will come across several ponds – small freshwater oases in the waterless karst. Back in the day, they were precious for local people, as they provided water for cattle, irrigation and fire extinction.

What follows next is a mild ascent towards the villages of Kosići and Vrh, where you can take a break to taste the delicious Krk prosciutto. The Krk Prosciutto House in Vrh is a must-visit place if you want to learn a thing or two about the specifics and production of this protected geographical indication product. An old recipe for curing pork legs was reportedly found in a notebook kept by the monks on Košljun, according to which prosciutto is not smoked, but cured in the bora wind. The Žužić family has been taking advantage of the bora wind for generations. Their prosciutto factory, where the production process can be seen through glass walls and floors, houses a tasting room and a shop, where you can buy this delicacy and see for yourselves what makes the Krk prosciutto truly special.

The nearby family farm Dvori svetog Jurja offers homemade specialities in a relaxing ambiance in the heart of nature, and you are welcome to try them.

To return to Krk after this beautiful adventure filled with recreation and the tasting of delicious local produce, follow the marked wide forest path overlooking Krk Bay.