icon location Baška

A beautiful mix of the karst, the sea, and Mediterranean herbs

A getaway in the stunning pristine nature with a view of the Baška Valley and the neighbouring islands


7 km icon length
392 icon ascent

Make the most of your stay in Baška by discovering the stunning pristine nature with a view of the Baška Valley. A barren plateau on the western ridge with patches of grass and kilometres-long drystone walls will meet all your expectations. This seven-kilometre-long trail is ideal for a half-day trip from Baška.

Starting on Vela plaža Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Adriatic, it will first take you to Zarok. Sand sediments formed by glaciers and torrent water during the ice ages left remarkable traces such as sandy dunes. From there the trail ascends slightly, passing through a pine forest. Upon reaching the end of the forest path, you will get to enjoy wonderful views of Baška while continuing on a rocky surface in the direction of the Vraca pass. You will probably spot climbers finding their way up the high and steep rocks of the ridge, which make part of the nearby Bag climbing site. Take a break at the Vraca pass to enjoy the view of the open sea. Do not miss the chance to climb Bag (185 m), the southernmost island peak close by, offering a unique view of Baška, Vela plaža Beach, and the islet of Prvić.

The trail continues from the pass to Cape Škuljica, one of the southernmost locations on the island. On your way to the cape you will soon spot the islet of Prvić with a lighthouse located on Cape Stražica, and the islands of Goli otok, Grgur and Rab behind it. Together with the one on Prvić, the lighthouse on Škuljica ensures safe passage through the Senj Strait. A sheltered cove with a pebble beach on Škuljica is a perfect place for a well-needed break from walking. You will return the same way to the crossroads at the Vraca pass, and head north in the direction of the Ljubomir pass. It is adorned by unique stone flowers that have stood in the pastures of the Baška municipality for centuries. Those are, of course, ‘mrgari’: multicellular sheepfolds with a flower-shaped floor plan, used for collecting and sorting sheep. Take a right turn at the pass to follow a somewhat steeper descent to a site right underneath Gradac, then return to the Zarok sands. This walk through the luscious Baška Valley is particularly attractive in springtime, when you will get to enjoy the scent of flowers and sage and relax with the buzzing of bees and other insects.